Satisfaction Gauranteed!


I’ve been noticing that our society seems so unhappy, even angry at life in general. I’ve had this feeling for quite some time and could never pinpoint where the anger/dissatisfaction is coming from. The news is a constant feed of bad news of how people are treating one another . Atrocities happening world wide permeate the media. Even the slightest wrong word or statement is seen to be offensive . Social media has been a prime example of this. I have been somewhat perplexed by this extent of unhappiness in this world until recently it hit me!

I’m going to start with the word “satisfaction”. We are in a constant state of wanting to be “satisfied”. It is all around us! Social  media has constant reminders of people travelling the world and getting that picture of the extreme. Pictures to show us that we are not mundane. The big cottage, new boat, fancy car are all ways to reach  supposed “satisfaction”.  Recently ,  Farm Boy and I visited my daughter and son in law in Scotland. It is one of the most picturesque places I have been with so many photo opportunities. But  this time I took no photos(short of a couple of family shots) and it was very liberating. I took that time to just enjoy my surroundings! Take the scenery in and the special time I was able to spend with my family! I find myself looking to find those special times where ever I am.

Since the start of this quest of  “Farming” , I have followed Farm Boy through the day of what may feel to some as too much hard work, mundane and relentless. Our days are filled with tasks from morning until night. However it doesn’t feel like drudgery, it has become a fulfilled and happy lifestyle. Hubby and I sit with our coffee in the early morning hours and plan out our day. It’s always different and sometimes the same! The animals on the farm are of course our first priority and our day is spent making their life a content one. Spring is a time of fence repairs to get as many animals on pasture as possible. It may sound like a simple non thinking process, but is very multifarious! Working with animals, land and weather is one of the  most complex tasks. It is hard work that is both physically and mentally demanding. Working with living things require observation skills that are not mastered overnight! We tend not to get too cocky when life runs smooth on the farm. You never know what’s waiting around the corner! This wet cold Spring has brought on a whole new set of rules. Cattle aren’t able to get on pasture because the ground is too wet and they will damage the root system with thier hooves. The chickens can’t get into the outdoor pens due to the wet conditions( they cannot thrive in this situation) . We would like to get the pigs on pasture but can’t transport them until the land is less muddy. We just have to roll with the punches  , so to speak.

What does all of this have to do with satisfaction? In my opinion, we are constantly searching for a thrilling moment. It’s just who we are! But I wonder if we need to take a step back and review its meaning. In this world of consumerism and instant gratification, have we lost sight of what it’s really means. Could satisfaction be as simple as growing a small garden knowing that you are able to feed yourself. Could it be feeding a few chickens in your yard and collecting the eggs with your children. Would a simple walk together observing the changes in the plants, trees and weather, with your loved one be satisfying? How about making pizzas with family and friends? Do we need to step away from the edge of always searching for the biggest, better gadget and experience, and look at what’s in front of us. Should we get our hands and bodies busy , and simplify? This to me,  will bring us together! Helping your neighbour or your community has far reaching possibilities. It has the possibilities of connecting to something bigger than ourselves.   Far more than liking that picture on Facebook or Instagram.

In my opinion real life is “Satisfaction”!Let’s get back to It!

For the people reading this post! I hope you find your “satisfation”




  1. Exactly. We live at a time in which the ongoing quest for constant happiness is regarded as an entitlement. As such, there’s more striving than arriving. And as you write, more dissatisfaction and ‘doing’ than living and ‘being’ in the fullness of whatever the REALITY of the present moment offers. Great post.

  2. Absolutely, bang on! There is nothing more pleasant than growing your own food– Gardens or animals doesnt matter. It is hard work, but oh so satisfying, indeed!

    We need more farmers like you who put “the caring” into their work and create a baseline for a healthy lifestyle. The saying, “You are what you eat” is so true. Thankfully, you leave all the junk out of your processing so we can all enjoy the good taste of wholesomeness!

    However. We can’t all be farmers right now. I’ll just keep on working on reconditioning feet, it is so satisfying! Lol!

    I must come again sometime, it’s been awhile!
    Blessings of abundance to your family!
    From Donna Kurfiss

    1. So true Donna. We can’t all be farmers. There are many skills that we need to work together as a community. We need each other to make it work!😀

  3. Excellent thoughts!
    The Japanese concept of ikigai comes to mind when I read this.

    Multifarious is now my word the the day, awesome, thanks


  4. Beautiful Katy…I couldn’t agree more! I always love your posts and pictures but didn’t realize you had such thought provoking way with words. What a nice way to start my Sunday morning. Thanks!

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