A Helping Hand

Farming is one of those jobs that requires a fair amount of knowledge in a number of departments. As with any job you stick with over a long period of time, you learn alot, make mistakes(hopefully not alot) and you develop a rhythm where by you are part òf a circle of participating factors! As…

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You Know You’re a Farmer When……

Farming has not been with me all my life. I married a man who lived, breathed and rolled in it. I didn’t really get his obsession at the time( 35 wonderful years ago). My earliest and clearest memory of Farm Boy and his infatuation began with our first date. I was to meet him at…

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Nelson Thomas Ward

This post will be one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Not because it’s laborious, tedious or troubling, but because its a lot of remembering and missing a man who was a huge influence in my life. I entered the Ward family with little to no knowledge of farming. Sure, I grew up…

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Lessons From a Farmers Wife!

This time of year when the farm is at its busiest , Farm Boy and I joke about being a single parent. We dont see much of each other when there are a million things to do. Right now we’re focused on bringing the hay in. This is no simple task. Typically, we have a…

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Satisfaction Gauranteed!

  I’ve been noticing that our society seems so unhappy, even angry at life in general. I’ve had this feeling for quite some time and could never pinpoint where the anger/dissatisfaction is coming from. The news is a constant feed of bad news of how people are treating one another . Atrocities happening world wide…

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Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food

  I’ve always had a love for food. I was raised 3 miles in bush land , where for many years we had no hydro and were quite self sufficient. Growing up , I was taught numerous skills required to live a life off the land. We grew gardens, preserved, foraged for food, raised livestock…

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How To Heal A Community

  As a small farmer , I have always believed that I have a strong responsibility to inform people in our community about what we do, how we raise the food they purchase and what it means to us and the community. I have written many times about the importance of small farmers and how…

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Farming: The Get Rich Quick Scheme!

As I’m writing this blog, I’m chuckling to myself! I’m sure you’ve figured it out that sarcasm is the name of the game in this post! I’m in my office going through invoices, which seem to be ever plenty, and I’m happy to pay them(sort of).  I look at the bottom line and see so…

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The Egg Lady

In all the years dreaming of what I would do with my life , never would I have thought I would be the “Egg Lady”. My aspirations were far more glamorous! Maybe I could be a singer and be surrounded by adoring fans, or perhaps work in the travel industry and see the world….the list…

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The Family Farm!

It has struck me very recently how the family farm and the people that work it are so intertwined. There is a knowledge that has been accumulated over years of working with animals, land and weather that will never be learned in a school of higher education. It is akin to finishing your partners statements…

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