Childhood Memories!

It seems that lately my thoughts wander to childhood memories. Memories of playing in the woods, swimming in the summer, skiing and skating in winterand bike rides in the fall. My thoughts frequently go to a time when I was 10 or 11. Occassionaly I would walk the 3 klm stretch from the point where…

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Why I Get Up In The Morning!

  I get up early in the morning. Always have, and probably always will. Personally my clearest thinking happens in the wee hours before the light moves above the trees.  The beauty of watching dark turning light makes my day. A time to sort out my thoughts, and lay out the days jobs ahead of…

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Keep It Under The Hat

One of my favorite things to do is chat with other food producers and like minded people. As a passionate person who believes strongly that a local food system can heal a community, I am finding a shift happening in the way people want to eat. They are looking for food that nourishes. They want…

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